3 research outputs found

    Thermal imaging and planimetry evaluation of the results of chronic wounds treatment with hyperbaric oxygen therapy

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    Background. One of the methods to treat chronic wounds is the use of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO). Objective measurement of the wound surface is an important element in the process of monitoring and predicting the progress of treatment. Objectives. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) on ulcer wound healing in patients with chronic venous insufficiency ulcers and diabetic foot syndrome using thermal imaging and computerized planimetry. Material and methods. During a 3-year period, 284 digital computer planimetry measurements were gathered from 142 patients treated for leg ulcers caused by chronic venous insufficiency and ulcers from diabetic foot syndrome at HBOT Unit of the Dr Stanis艂aw Sakiel Centre for Burns Treatment in Siemianowice 艢l膮skie (Poland). Each patient took 30 HBOT sessions using a Haux multiplace HBO chamber at a pressure of 2.5 atmospheres absolute (ATA). The results of the treatment were monitored using thermovision and computerassisted planimetry measurements performed before and after HBOT. Results. Both groups of patients exhibited a reduction in the surface and perimeter of the wound after HBOT. The treatment effects were also confirmed with thermal imaging. The areas calculated from thermal imaging and planimetry are different but correlated. Conclusions. It seems that a combination of thermal imaging and planimetry may enhance the diagnosis as well as provide the physician with more information about therapy effects

    Thermal effects of topical hyperbaric oxygen therapy in hard-to-heal wounds - a pilot study

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    Clinical studies have been performed to evaluate the thermal response of topical hyperbaric oxygen therapy (THBOT) in patients suffering from hard-to-heal wounds diagnosed as venous leg ulcers located on their lower extremities. It was found that this therapy leads to a temperature decrease in areas around the wound. Moreover, a minor temperature differentiation between all areas was seen in the third period of topical hyperbaric oxygen therapy (THBOT) that may suggest that microcirculation and thermoregulation improvement start the healing process. On the other hand, the results of the conducted studies seem to prove that thermal imaging may provide a safe and effective method of analyzing wound healing of hard-to-heal wounds being treated with THBOT. This is the first study that tries to show the possibilities of a very new method by evaluating treatment of hard-to-heal wounds using thermal imaging, similar to the hyperbaric oxygen therapy effects evaluated by thermal imaging and described previously. However, the first clinical results showed a decrease in temperature due to the THBOT session and some qualitative similarities in the decrease in temperature differentiation between the studied areas and the temperature effects obtained due to hyperbaric oxygen therapy

    Thermal imaging in burns diagnostics

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    W ostatnich latach nast膮pi艂 ogromny rozw贸j w zastosowaniu termowizji w medycynie. Wizualizacja rozk艂adu temperatury ludzkiego cia艂a stanowi bardzo cenne informacje diagnostyczne, odzwierciedlaj膮c istotne procesy metaboliczne zachodz膮ce w organizmie. W zwi膮zku z powy偶szym, wszystkie odst臋pstwa od typowej warto艣ci temperatury badanego fragmentu cia艂a mog膮 艣wiadczy膰 o nieprawid艂owo艣ci w fizjologii organizmu. Niniejsza praca prezentuje pierwsze do艣wiadczenia naszej grupy badawczej w pokazaniu znaczenia nieinwazyjnej techniki obrazowania cia艂a cz艂owieka, kt贸ra mo偶e by膰 przydatna w diagnostyce oparze艅. Maj膮c na celu szybkie, bezbolesne oraz 艂atwo dost臋pne diagnozowanie ran oparzeniowych, termowizja mo偶e stanowi膰 pomocnicze urz膮dzenie do automatycznego wyznaczania obszar贸w wymagaj膮cych leczenia chirurgicznego oraz wyodr臋bnienia obszar贸w nadaj膮cych si臋 do leczenia zachowawczego. Grup臋 badawcz膮 stanowi艂o 25 pacjent贸w zakwalifikowanych w zakresie stopnia IIa, IIb oraz III. Badania zosta艂y przeprowadzone we wsp贸艂pracy z Centrum Leczenia Oparze艅 im. dr. Stanis艂awa Sakiela w Siemianowicach 艢l膮skich pod opiek膮 lekarzy zespo艂u chirurgicznego. Wst臋pna analiza termograficzna obszar贸w zainteresowania wskazuje na r贸偶nice w warto艣ciach 艣rednich temperatur pomi臋dzy obszarami obj臋tymi oparzeniem a obszarami s膮siaduj膮cymi.There was dynamic increase in use of thermal imaging in medicine during last two decades. Visualization of body surface thermal map brings some important diagnostic information about metabolically activity of the inner tissue and the differences in observed body temperature in comparison with normal body temperature range may suggest disease process occurring. Presented studies are the first step of our research group in the thermal imaging of skin burns. It seems that non-invasive, fast and simply in use thermovision may bring some important and useful information in evaluation of skin burns. The study included 25 patients suffered from skin burns in IIa, IIb and III stage. The study was carried out at Burn Treatment Center memorial Dr Stanislaw Sakiel in Siemianowice 艢l膮skie. Preliminary analysis showed some differences in mean temperature characterized areas in II and III burn stage